Jumat, 25 November 2011



BIOS (Basic Input Output System), periferal komputer yang langsung berkomunikasi dan bertugas mengatur perangkat keras komputer. Disimpan pada sebuah chip yang lebih dikenal sebagai ROM (Read Only Memory) BIOS dan bukan murni perangkat keras (hardware). Namun penggabungan antara perangkat keras dan lunak. Istilah teknisnya adalah firmware.

Sebelum PC bekerja sebuah program kecil harus dijalankan terlebih dahulu untuk membangunkan PC, memeriksa status hardware, dan mengatur hubungan antar periferal. Setelah itu, PC dapat berfungsi dengan benar dan mendukung pengiriman data pada hardware setelah sistem operasi dijalankan. Program kecil tersebut adalah BIOS.

A. Peran BIOS

Salah satu peran utama BIOS, me-load sistem operasi. Pada saat menyalakan komputer, processor bekerja mengambil data dengan instruksi dari BIOS, karena BIOS lah yang menyediakan instruksi pengambilan data. BIOS menyediakan sejumlah rutin low level yang digunakan sistem operasi untuk berkomunikasi dengan hardware seperti keyboard, kartu grafis, port serial dan paralel, hard disk, penanda waktu (Real Time Clock - RTC), dan sebagainya.

Rutin low level yang lebih dikenal dengan Intrerrupt Handler bertugas sebagai penerjemah komunikasi antara komponen hardware dan sistem operasi. Umumnya untuk mempercepat akses, rutin interrupt handler disalin atau di-shadow ke RAM.

Semua informasi mengenai BIOS, interrupt handler, identitas dan konfigurasi hardware yang terpasang disimpan dalam suatu chip Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS). Setup BIOS menyediakan informasi detail mengenai sistem dan dapat dimodifikasi jika diperlukan. Untuk menjaga agar informasi tetap tersimpan, chip CMOS membutuhkan daya listrik yang diambil dari sebuah baterai.

Pada saat komputer dihidupkan BIOS akan memeriksa validitas setup BIOS. Setelah itu me-load interrupt handler dan driver serta melakukan inisialisasi register dan power management. Kemudian memeriksa keberadaan kartu grafis dan sekaligus mengaktifkan BIOS kartu grafis agar processor dan memori kartu grafis diaktifkan.

Langkah selanjutnya BIOS memeriksa apakah proses yang terjadi merupakan cold boot atau warm boot. Jika yang terjadi adalah cold boot, BIOS akan memeriksa RAM dengan melakukan operasi baca dan tulis pada setiap alamat memori. Kemudian memeriksa port PS/2 atau USB untuk mencari keyboard dan mouse. Selanjutnya BIOS memeriksa bus Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) dan memeriksa kartu yang terpasang.

Langkah selanjutnya BIOS mengatur Interrupt Request (IRQ), alamat I/O, Direct Memory Access (DMA) dan resource lainnya untuk berkomunikasi dengan processor atau memori utama. Tugas ini cukup berat mengingat resource yang tersedia terbatas, sedangkan jumlah periferal yang ditangani tidaklah sedikit.

Setelah berhasil mengatur semua resource yang tersedia, BIOS kemudian menampilkan beberapa detail mengenai sistem. Informasi yang ditampilkan biasanya mencakup processor, drive floppy dan hard disk, memori, tanggal dan revisi BIOS, kartu grafis, kartu SCSI, dan sebagainya.

BIOS kemudian mencari urutan media simpan yang digunakan untuk boot pada setup CMOS dan memanggil sebuah program kecil yang disebut Bootstrap Loader, yang berfungsi untuk memanggil dan mempersiapkan sistem operasi yang sebenarnya, Setelah sistem operasi berhasil di-load dan dijalankan, kemudian BIOS menjadi perantara antara hardware dan software yang dikenal dengan istilah BIOS Run Time Services.

Dengan demikian BIOS merupakan periferal yang sangat vital. BIOS dapat dianalogikan sebagai jantung komputer yang bertugas memberikan suplai kehidupan pada semua perangkat yang terpasang pada komputer, baik perangkat keras maupun perangkat lunak. Tanpa BIOS, komputer hanyalah seonggok barang rongsokan yang tidak dapat digunakan dan memboroskan tempat saja. Windows dan Linux tidak lebih hanyalah sebagai nama saja. PC multimedia dan multi fungsi hanyalah impian semata.

B. Identifikasi BIOS

Setiap BIOS mempunyai nomor seri yang menunjukkan tanggal dan versi BIOS, jenis motherboard, chipset, dan informasi lainnya. Seri BIOS ini dapat dikenali pada saat proses booting, umumnya pada pojok kiri bawah layar monitor.

Saat ini BIOS yang paling banyak digunakan adalah AWARD BIOS dan AMI BIOS. Masing-masing BIOS mempunyai pengaturan menu dan konfigurasi yang belum tentu sama, namun sebagian besar memiliki fungsi yang sama, hanya mungkin berbeda istilah saja. Untuk itu sangatlah penting membaca dan memahami dahulu petunjuk pada buku manual motherboard yang digunakan.

Untuk mengatur konfigurasi pada BIOS, tentunya harus masuk ke menu BIOS terlebih dahulu. Perintah untuk masuk ke menu BIOS berbeda-beda, tergantung pada BIOS yang digunakan. Untuk BIOS AWARD dan AMI umumnya dengan menekan tombol Delete pada saat dilakukan pengujian memori ketika booting. Alternatif kombinasi tombol lainnya adalah [F1], [F2], [F10], [F12], ESC, CTRL+ESC, CTRL+ALT+S, CTRL+ALT+ESC, dan CTRL+ALT+INS.

Setelah itu akan ditampilkan menu pengaturan BIOS. Menu ini sudah diatur sedemikian rupa dikelompokkan sesuai dengan jenisnya. Misalnya Main berisi informasi mengenai waktu, memori dan media simpan yang terpasang. Menu Advanced berkaitan dengan informasi penting untuk mengatur kecepatan dan stabilitas sistem, dan sebagainya. Hal ini dilakukan untuk memudahkan pemakai dalam mengatur konfigurasi BIOS. Untuk lebih rincinya, dapat dibaca pada buku manual motherboard yang digunakan.

Untuk berpindah ke menu atau pilihan lain biasanya digunakan tombol panah, tombol plus dan minus, atau tombol PgUp dan PgDn. Di sini, penggunaan mouse tidak berlaku. Sedangkan untuk memilih atau membuka menu atau pilihan digunakan tombol Enter. Untuk mengganti sebuah setting, cukup tekan Enter dan sebuah jendela pilihan akan muncul. Untuk kembali ke menu sebelumnya dapat dilakukan dengan menekan tombol Esc.

C. Langkah Kerja / Langkah Masuk ke Bios :

1. Menyiapkan perangkat personal komputer

2. Memasang catudaya listrik dengan CPU dan monitor

3. Tekan tombol power yang ada pada CPU dan monitor

4. Setelah itu tekan tombol delete atau F2 pada keyboard sesuai dengan vendor bios yang digunakan.

5. Melakukan konfigurasi tanggal dan waktu

6. Mendeteksi Jendela advance

7. Melakukan konfigurasi floppy drive

8. Melakukan Ide Configuration Boot Device Priority

9. Melakukan konfigurasi jendela security

10. Jendela Exit

Kamis, 24 November 2011

Konsep Dasar Sistem Operasi

Sistem Operasi

Komputer adalah alat yang dipakai untuk mengolah data menurut prosedur yang telah dirumuskan. Kata komputer semula dipergunakan untuk menggambarkan orang yang perkerjaannya melakukan perhitungan aritmatika, dengan atau tanpa alat bantu, tetapi arti kata ini kemudian dipindahkan kepada mesin itu sendiri.

1. Sistem Komputer

Selama ini anda mungkin mengenal istilah Hardware (perangkat keras) dan Software (perangkat lunak), sebenarnya dalam suatu sistem computer terdapat 3 jenis perangkat. Yaitu Hardware, Software, dan Brainware.

a. Hardware (Perangkat Keras)
Perangkat keras komputer (hardware) adalah semua bagian fisik komputer, dan dibedakan dengan data yang berada di dalamnya atau yang beroperasi di dalamnya, dan dibedakan dengan perangkat lunak (software) yang menyediakan instruksi untuk perangkat keras dalam menyelesaikan tugasnya.
Hardware komputer secara fungsional dibedakan menjadi empat macam perangkat (device), yaitu :
- Perangkat masukan (input device)
Contoh : Keyboard, Mouse, Joystick, Scanner, Card reader, Barcode, dll
- Perangkat Proses (process device)
Contoh : Processor, Motherboard, dll.
- Perangkat keluaran (output device), dan
Contoh : Printer, Speaker, Monitor, Platter, Card reader, dll.
- Perangkat penyimpanan (memory/storage device)
Contoh : ROM, RAM, Harddisk, CD Drive, Flash Disk, dll.

b. Software (Perangkat Lunak)

Perangkat lunak adalah istilah umum untuk data yang diformat dan disimpan secara digital, termasuk program komputer, dokumentasinya, dan berbagai informasi yang bisa dibaca dan ditulis oleh komputer. Dengan kata lain, bagian sistem komputer yang tidak berwujud.
Di bawah ini ada beberapa contoh macam perangkat lunak, yaitu:
Perangkat lunak aplikasi (application software) seperti pengolah kata, lembar tabel hitung, pemutar media, dan paket aplikasi perkantoran seperti OpenOffice.org, Microsoft Word, Nero, Winamp, dll.
• Sistem operasi (operating system) misalnya Linux, Machintos, Windows, DOS.
• Perkakas pengembangan perangkat lunak (software development tool) seperti Kompilator untuk bahasa pemrograman tingkat tinggi seperti Pascal dan bahasa pemrograman tingkat rendah yaitu bahasa rakitan.
• Pengendali perangkat keras (device driver) yaitu penghubung antara perangkat perangkat keras pembantu dan komputer adalah software yang banyak dipakai di swalayan dan juga sekolah, yaitu penggunaan barcode scanner pada aplikasi database lainnya.
• Perangkat lunak menetap (firmware) seperti yang dipasang dalam jam tangan digital dan pengendali jarak jauh.
• Perangkat lunak bebas (free 'libre' software) dan Perangkat lunak sumber terbuka (open source software)
• Perangkat lunak gratis (freeware)
• Perangkat lunak uji coba (shareware / 'trialware) Perangkat lunak perusak (malware)

c. Brainware (Pemikir)
Brainware adalah tenaga manusia yang mengatur proses dan yang mengoperasikan komputer. Jabatan-jabatan yang umum dikalangan pemakai komputer antara lain :
- Operator
Bertugas memasukkan data, mengeluarkan hasil (mencetak). Seorang operator setidaknya harus menguasai pengetahuan dasar tentang sistem operasi yang sedang dipakai dan menguasai beberapa paket.
Bertugas membuat suatu program yang akan digunakan oleh suatu instansi/perusahaan. Selain membuat program, seorang programmer juga harus mampu meng-upgrade program untuk melakukan penyesuaian dan minimal menguasai dengan baik suatu bahasa pemrograman. Selain itu pemahaman terhadap suatu masalah dan kemampuan mengimplementasikan dalam bentuk program juga sangat diperlukan.
- System Analyst
Bertugas mengidentifikasikan masalah, merencanakan dan menyusun system komputerisasi yang sesuai dengan masalah dalam bentuk diagram, denah, garis besar proses, bentuk masukan dan keluaran. Seorang system analis tidak perlu membuat program tetapi harus memiliki pengetahuan yang baik terhadap bahasa pemrograman, paket-paket program, manajemen, dll yang terkait dengan masalah yang akan dikomputerisasi.
Bertugas mempersiapkan rencana jangka panjang / pendek dari departemennya, menetapkan prosedur-prosedur yang harus dtempuh, dan menyampaikan anggaran untuk departemennya. Seorang EDP harus menguasai ilmu-ilmu komputer dan juga berbagai macam aplikasi yang pernah dibuat oleh departemenya.

2. Sistem Operasi
Sistem operasi atau dalam bahasa Inggris: operating system atau OS adalah perangkat lunak sistem yang bertugas untuk melakukan kontrol dan manajemen perangkat keras serta operasi-operasi dasar sistem, termasuk menjalankan software aplikasi seperti program-program pengolah kata dan browser web.
Secara umum, Sistem Operasi adalah software pada lapisan pertama yang ditaruh pada memori komputer pada saat komputer dinyalakan. Sedangkan software-software lainnya dijalankan setelah Sistem Operasi berjalan, dan Sistem Operasi akan melakukan layanan inti umum untuk software-software itu. Layanan inti umum tersebut seperti akses ke disk, manajemen memori, scheduling task, dan antar-muka user. Sehingga masing-masing software tidak perlu lagi melakukan tugas-tugas inti umum tersebut, karena dapat dilayani dan dilakukan oleh Sistem Operasi.
Sistem operasi utama yang digunakan komputer umum (termasuk PC, komputer personal) terbagi menjadi 3 kelompok besar:
a. Keluarga Microsoft Windows
Yang antara lain terdiri dari Windows Desktop Environment (versi 1.x hingga versi 3.x), Windows 9x (Windows 95, 98, dan Windows ME), dan Windows NT (Windows NT 3.x, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 (Seven) yang dirilis pada tahun 2009, dan Windows Orient yang akan dirilis pada tahun 2014)).
b. Keluarga Unix
Yang menggunakan antarmuka sistem operasi POSIX, seperti SCO UNIX, keluarga BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution), GNU/Linux, MacOS/X (berbasis kernel BSD yang dimodifikasi, dan dikenal dengan nama Darwin) dan GNU/Hurd.
c. Mac OS
Adalah sistem operasi untuk komputer keluaran Apple yang biasa disebut Mac atau Macintosh. Sistem operasi yang terbaru adalah Mac OS X versi 10.4 (Tiger). Awal tahun 2007 direncanakan peluncuran versi 10.5 (Leopard).

Jenis Sistem Operasi dibagi menjadi 2 :
- Sistem Operasi berbasis GUI
Interaksi dapat dilaksanakan oleh user melalui menu dan icon yang diperlihatkan dalam modus grafik. Contoh sistem operasi berbasis GUI adalah Windows, Machintos, Linux.
- Sistem Operasi berbasis Text
Interaksi dilakukan oleh user dengan cara mengetikkan perintah-perintah berupa teks pada sistem operasi.

3. Spesifikasi Minimal Untuk Menginstal Sistem Operasi
Spesifikasi Windows 98 :
- Prosesor 66 MHz
- RAM 16 MB
- VGA 2 MB
- 225 MB Free Harddisk Space

Spesifikasi Windows XP :
- Prosesor 233 MHz
- RAM 64 MB
- VGA 2 MB
- 3 GB Free Harddisk Space

Spesifikasi Windows Vista :
- Prosesor 800 MHz
- RAM 512 MB
- VGA 64 MB
- 15 GB Free Harddisk Space

Jika ingin menggunakan tampilan Aero, maka:
- Prosesor 1GHz - RAM 1 GB
- VGA 128 MB dengan DirectX 9.0 Support

Spesifikasi Windows 7 :
- Prosesor 1GHz
- RAM 1 GB
- VGA 128 MB dengan DirectX 9.0 Support
- 16 GB Free Harddisk Space

Spesifikasi Ubuntu :
- Prosesor 300 MHz
- RAM 64 MB
- VGA 2 MB
- 4 GB Free Harddisk Space

Spesifikasi Windows MAC OS X Snow Leopard :
- Mac Computer dengan prosesor Intel
- RAM 1 GB
- VGA 128 MB
- 5 GB Free Harddisk Space

4. Media Penyimpanan
Kalau kita berbicara mengenai komputer maka tidak terlepas dengan media penyimpanan atau lebih dikenal dengan istilah 'storage'.
Perkembangan media penyimpanan atau storage seiring dengan perkembangan perangkat keras atau hardware lain seperti prosesor. Perkembangan prosesor khususnya kelas PC (personal computer) kalau kita lihat tingkatannya sebagai berikut - XT, 286, 386, 486, Pentium I, Pentium II, Pentium III dan Pentium IV. Kemudian untuk media penyimpanan kalau kita lihat ke tahun-tahun di belakang. Awalnya kita berbicara mengenai KB (kilobyte = 1024 byte) kemudian berkembang menjadi MB (Megabyte = 1024 KB). Namun, saat ini sudah menggunakan GB (Gigabyte = 1024 MB). Bahkan di bidang storage terutama backup, saat ini sudah mencapai Terabyte (TB = 1024 GB) dan sedang dikembangkan teknologi untuk mencapai tingkatan Petabyte (1024 TB).
Kita lihat urutannya di tabel berikut ini:
Byte = 8 bits
Kilobyte = 1,024 bytes
Megabyte = 1,048,576 bytes = 1,024 KB
Gigabyte = 1,024 MB
Terabyte = 1,024 GB
Petabyte = 1,024 TB
Exabyte = 1,024 PB
Zettabyte = 1,024 XB
Yottabyte = 1,024 ZB
Tipe storage yang umum digunakan adalah menggunakan media magnetik dengan 2 macam format yang berbeda yaitu 'fixed' / tetap dan 'removable' atau bisa dibawa / dipindah.

- 'fixed' media adalah teknologi media storage di mana 'head' untuk tulis / baca dan medianya (disk platter) dalam satu unit yang sama contohnya harddisk.
- removable media, adalah teknologi media storage di mana 'head' untuk tulis / baca terletak pada 'drive' dan cartridge (tape) untuk menyimpan data dan bisa dibawa/pindah contohnya yaitu tape drive dengan tape cartdrige. Media tape ini dapat dibawa atau disimpan di tempat yang terpisah dari drivenya. Ada keuntungan dengan media yang bisa dipindahkan ini, antara lain adalah tape selain bisa dibawa-bawa dan bisa disimpan di lokasi lain, hal ini digunakan atau diimplementasikan dalam 'disaster recovery plan' atau rencana / prosedur terhadap bencana. Misalnya katakanlah gedung terbakar dan semua komputer dan informasi di dalam kantor tersebut habis terbakar. Dengan adanya tape media yang berisi data perusahaan yang sudah dibackup, meskipun tidak up-to-date atau bukan data terkini, namun setidaknya masih ada data perusahaan yang bisa digunakan atau data-data penting misalnya tagihan ke pelanggan, data penelitian dan data-data penting perusahaan lainnya.
Masing-masing tipe media storage mempunyai ciri khas tersendiri berikut harga, unjuk kerja, handal, kelebihan serta kelemahannya.
Kelebihan dan Kelemahan media penyimpanan :
a. Flashdisk
- Bentuk yang kecil hingga mudah dibawa,
- Harga relative murah.
- Karena bentuk yang kecil, hingga rawan hilang. Removable storage, hingga data rawan rusak.
b. Compact Disk
- Aman dari serangan virus, karena proses penulisan data pada disk membutuhkan sinar optik yang dikendalikan oleh software khusus.
- Menyimpan file dalam bentuk copy cd adalah daya tahan replikasi cdnya yang tidak terlalu lama. Semakin sering di pakai maka permukaan cd vcd lama kelamaan akan semakin kasar dan penuh baret2 karena gesekan dengan head cd vcd rom.
c. Harddisk
- Kapasitas besar, Pembacaan data lebih cepat, Relative tahan lama, Storage yang cukup aman
- Harga relative mahal, Rawan terjadi bad sector, Bentuk fisik yang relative besar dan berat, Motor listrik yang memiliki batas usia tertentu, rata-rata 700.000 jam penggunaan, Mudah rusak jika terkena benturan fisik.

Langkah-Langkah Melihat spesifikasi Komputer :
1. Menyiapkan perangkat personal komputer
2. Memasang catudaya listrik dengan CPU.
3. Memasang catudaya listrik dengan Monitor.
4. Tekan tombol power yang ada pada CPU
5. Tekan tombol power yang ada pada monitor
6. Setelah komputer hidup lalu klik tombol start yang ada dipojok kiri bawah komputer dengan mouse lalu klik menu ”Run”
7. Kemudian pada jendela Run ketikan kata “dxdiag” tanpa tanda petik seperti gambar di bawah ini, kemudian klik OK, atau tekan enter pada keyboard anda.

8. Sesaat kemudian akan muncul jendela DirectX Diagnostic Tool, seperti pada gambar di bawah ini. jendela ini mengampilkan informasi lengkap spesifikasi computer anda.

Sedangkan cara kedua
1. Klik pada menu Start, Kemudian klik kanan pada mouse anda, lalu pilih pada menu Properties

2. Sesaat kemudian akan muncul jendela system properties, berisi informasi spesifikasi komputer anda. Hanya saja, pada cara kedua ini informasi spesifikasinya tidak selengkap pada cara pertama.

Jumat, 23 September 2011

Tips Praktis Baterai Laptop Tahan Lama

Tips Praktis Baterai Laptop Tahan Lama

KELUHAN utama pengguna laptop adalah baterai boros. Meskipun banyak produk laptop terbaru menyediakan baterai berkemampuan tinggi, namun seberapa efektif baterai tersebut akan bertahan. Walaupun faktor usia dari baterai adalah hal utama dari performa dan daya tahan baterai, namun beberapa kiat sederhana berikut akan bermanfaat untuk menjaga keawetan baterai laptop kita.
Berikut ini ada cara praktis agar baterai laptop bisa tahan lama :
1. Charger baterai baru sebelum digunakan

2. Apabila laptop dinyalakan dan baterai sudah terisi penuh 100%, cabut daya listrik yang terhubung. Karena sumber listrik akan membuat baterai akan terus dalam keadaan charge (mengisi ulang).

3. Panas yang signifikan akan berdampak pada masa pakai baterai. Apabila baterai dilepas dari badan laptop, letakkan di tempat sejuk.

4. Ketika laptop digunakan sebagai pengganti desktop, keluarkan baterai dan hanya menjalankan laptop langsung dari power supply.

5. Jauhkan baterai cadangan dari baterai yang sedang diisi ulang.

6. Tambahan RAM pada laptop bisa mengurangi konsumsi baterai sebagai sumber daya intensif.

7. Buat hard drive seefektif mungkin dengan sering melakukan defragging. Dengan demikian hard drive bisa cepat melakukan pekerjaan sehingga meminimalisir kebutuhan pemakaian baterai.

8. Mengurangi penggunaan CD/DVD Drive.

9. Bersihkan logam kontak baterai setiap beberapa bulan dengan kain yang dibasahi alkohol. Cara ini akan mempertahankan daya baterai lebih efektif.

10. Penggunaan ReviverSoft Battery Optimizer bisa merawat perangkat laptop begitu pun dengan baterai. (techjunoon/*/OL-12)

sumber :

Jumat, 02 September 2011

Khasiat Ayat Kursi

Saudara Ku..
Menurut keterangan dari kitab”Asraarul Mufidah” barangsiapa membaca dan mengamalkan Ayat Kusi setiap hari sebanyak 18 kali maka InsyaALLAH akan dibukakan dadanya dengan berbagai hikmah, dimurahkan rezekinya,dinaikkan darajatnya dan diberikannya pengaruh sehingga semua orang akan menghormatinya serta terpelihara ia dari segala bencana dengan izin ALLAH.

Diantara Khasiatnya adalah :

1. Dapat Menyembuhkan Penyakit Gila / Ayan

Untuk sakit gila cara megamalkannya, ayat Kursi dibaca sebanyak 33
kali pada ubun-ubun orang yang sakit gila itu seraya dihembus-hembuskan.
Insya Allah lekassembuh. Lakukanlah berulang-ulang ketika matahari akan
terbitdan ketika akan terbenam, bila belum ada perubahan.

Sedang untuk sakit ayan cara mengamalkannya, ambillah segelas air lalu
bacalah ayat Kursi sebanyak 90 kali, dan tiap kali bacaan tiupkan pada
gelas itu, kemudian diminumkan pada orang yang sakit ayan. Insya Allah
akan lekassembuh. Lakukanlah berulang-ulang, dengan sabardan dengan
keyakinan yang penuh.

2. Dapat Menjauhkan Dari Impian Yang Buruk

Cara mengamalkannya, bacalah Ta’awwudz 3
membaca ayat Kursi 3 kali. Dan bila sampai pada bacaan “WA LAA YA-UUDUHU
HIFDLU HUMAA WA HUWAL ‘ALIYYUL ‘ADLIIM” hendaknya diulang 3 kali. Insya
Allah dalam tidurnya nanti tepjauh dari mimpi-mimpi yang buruk, dan
bahkan bermimpi yang indah-indah.

3. Dapat Mendatangkan Keselamatan Dalam Perjalanan

Cara mengamalkannya,
bacalah ayat Kursi sebanyak 3 kali sebelum anda berangkat dalam suatu
perjalanan. Insya Allah dalam perjalanan anda nanti selalu dalam
perlindungan-Nya sehingga tidak akan menemui kesulitan dan kesukaran
sampai anda pulang kembali.

4. Dapat Mendatangkan Segala Macam Hajat.

Cara mengamalkannya, bacalah ayat Kursi 99 kali sesudah shalat Hajat 2 rakaat pada tengah malam. Kemudian berdo’alah kepada Allah dengan menyebutkan hajatyang dimaksud. Insya Allah dalam waktu dekat apa yang dihajatkan itu akan segera terkabulkan.

5. Dapat Menghilangkan Dosa-Dosa Kecil

Cara mengamalkannya, bacalah ayat Kursi secara rutin pada setiap selesai shalat fardhu, maka faedahnya dapat menghilangkan dosa-dosa kecil,
kecuali dosa-dosa yang berhubungan dengan sesama manusia.

6. Dapat Membentengi Diri dari Gangguan Syetan

Cara mengamalkannya, bacalah ayat Kursi sebanyak 7 kali sebelum anda mengerjakan sesuatu perkara niscaya Allah akan melindungi anda didalam
mengerjakan sesuatu itu dari gangguan syetan.

7. Dapat Mengaburkan Pandangan Musuh

Cara mengamalkannya, buatlah garis lingkaran seraya bacalah ayat Kursi sebanyak 7 kali,kemudian masuklah ke dalam lingkaran itu, niscaya pandangan musuh menjadi kabur tidak bisa melihat orang yang ada dalam lingkaran, sehingga
orangyang berada di lingkaran itu selamatdari ancamannya.

8. Dapat Menghindarkan Gangguan Orang Zalim

Cara mengamalkannya, bacalah ayat Kursi pada permulaan siang dan permulaan malam. Lakukanlah bacaan ini sebagai amalan rutin, Insya Allah akan
terjagadari maksud jahat orang zalim, karenaselalu dalam perlindunganNya. Disamping itu syetan pun tidak berani menggangu.

9. Dapat Menyembuhkan segala penyakit

Cara mengamalkannya, tulislah ayat Kursi pada kertas yang putih, kemudian dilebur dengan aiar suci, lalu airnya diminumkan pada orang yang sakit. Lakukanlah berulang-ulang dengan harapan penyakitnya lekas sembuh. Insya Allah dengan jalan yang demikian ini, penyakit yang dideritanya akan
segera sembuh.

10. Dapat Membungkam Mulut Orang jahat

Cara mengamalkannya, lakukanlah petunjuk dibawah ini bila anda akan menghadapi penggilan orang yang akan berlaku jahat terhadap anda. Yaitu sebelum anda mendatangi penggilan itu bacalah ayat kursi, kemudian bacalah do’a sebagai berikut:

: “Wahai Dzat yang hidup, wahai Dzat yang berdiri sendiri, wahai
dzatyang mendptakan semua langitdan bumi, wahai Dzat yang memiliki
kebesaran dan kemuliaan. Aku memohon kepada-Mu dengan haq (kebenaran)
ayat yang mulia ini (ayat kursi) dan semua yang terkandung didalamnya
berupa nama-nama yangagung, agarEngakau bungkam mulutnya (sebut nama
orang yang dimaksud) dan Engkau bisukan lisannya sehingga dia akan
berkata kecual dengan kata yang baik, atau dia diam. Kebaikanmu hai
or-ang ini berada dikedua tangan-Mu, dan kekejianmu beradi dibawah kedua
telapak kaki-Mu”.

Sesudah membaca do’a tersebut, lalu datang
menghadap orang yang dimaksud dengan tenang dan penuh keyakinan tanpa
keraguan sedikitpun. Insya Allah, orang jahat yang anda hadapi aitu akan
membungkam seribu bahasa sehingga ia tidak berkata apa-apa kecual
berkata yang baik, dan bahkan menaruh belas kasihan terhadap anda.

11. Dapat Menyelamatkan Ancaman Pencuri

Cara mengamalkannya, bacalah ayatkilrsi 7 kali ketikaakan berangkat tidur, kemudian bacalah pula do’a sebagai berikut sebanyak 7 kalipula
do’a sebagai berikut sebanyak 7 kali :

: “Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang. Allah adalah Dzat Yang Maha meliputi kepada hamba-Nya. Allah adalah Dzat Yang Maha Memelihau, Yang Maha Dahulu, Yang Azali, Yang Maha Hidup, Yang Maha Berdiri Sendiri dan tidak tidur”.

Insya Allah, dengan dibacakan yangdemikian itu rumah beserta isinya akan selamat dari
pencurian hingga pagi hari. Sebab do’a tersebut mempunyai faedah yang besar sekali. Dari padanya terpancar daya gaib yang dapat menolak kehendak jahat para pencuri,

Demikianlah diantara keutamaan dan khasiyat Ayat Kursi. Dimana ayat Kursi adalah bacaan yang ampuh untuk membentengi diri dari herbagai macam godaan dan musibah. Karena dengan dibacanya ayat kursi, Allah memberikan perlindungan terhadap diri si
pembaca itu.

Jumat, 07 Januari 2011

CCNA Discovery 4 - Module 9 Exam Answers Version 4.0

1. Which two statements describe factors that influence the layout of a proposal? (Choose two.)
• Proposal layouts are required to use sans serif typefaces.
A specific proposal layout is followed when one is specified in the RFP.
• A designer chooses the layout if a written RFP does not specify an outline.

• The software that is used to create the proposal dictates the proposal layouts.
• Proposal layouts are required to use a format that is designed by the network engineer.

2 . What two items are typically included in the executive summary of a proposal? (Choose two.)
project scope summary
• high-level implementation plan
• quotes for all needed equipment
• technical requirements for the design
emphasis on the benefits that meet the goals of the customer

3. Which proposal section describes the intended routing protocol, security mechanisms, and addressing for the planned network?
logical design
• physical design
• executive summary
• implementation plan
• network requirements

4. Which occurrence would indicate a failure of the design phase?
• The incorrect model switches were ordered.
• There is no customer signoff for task completion.
• New requirements are identified after implementation begins.
The new network capacity is inadequate to support required traffic.

5. A network installation team is assigned to replace all core switches in an existing data center. No other upgrades are planned. Which kind of installation is this?
• a new installation
• a fork-lift installation
a phased installation
• a green field installation

6. What service is provided Cisco standard warranty?
• software application maintenance
replacement of defected hardware
• next business day delivery of replacement parts
• access to the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

7. An upgraded version of the Cisco IOS has been purchased. However, the CD arrived damaged. How will this loss be covered?
• a hardware warranty
a software warranty
• the Cisco SMARTnet Service
• an additional service contract

8. A company informs the account manager that the installation of a new edge router at the customer remote branch location cannot be done at the scheduled time because of a large order that the branch office needs to complete. As a result, the end date of the project must be adjusted to accommodate the additional time. What is the action should the account manager take?
• Cancel the order for the new edge router.
• Work with designer to redesign the branch network.
• Instruct the technician to complete the install of the router at on the date in the contract.
Adjust the timeline documentation to show the company how the delay will affect the
• project completion date.

9. NetworkingCompany completes the installation of a network upgrade for a retail customer. All of the onsite tests complete successfully and the customer IT staff approves the results of the tests. The manager of the retail store contacts NetworkingCompany to inform the company that the store will not pay for the upgrade until a recently purchased software package is installed and tested on the network. Which two items that are contained in the proposal can the account manager refer to when discussing this issue with the store manager?(Choose two.)
the project scope
• the bill-of-material
• the project timeline
the terms and conditions
• the business goals of the customer
• the evaluation of the current network

10. The operation of a new branch location network is delayed because a VPN cannot be configured and established between the branch location and the main office. It is determined that the router at the main office does not have enough memory and does not have the correct Cisco IOS version image to support the VPN features. To prevent this delay, this problem should have been identified and corrected during which part of the design project?
• the preparation of the business case
• the prioritizing of the technical goals
the characterization of the existing network
• the implementation of the approved design

11.The NetworkingCompany team is tasked to prepare an implementation schedule for a customer. It is determined that the new firewalls and wireless controllers that are specified in the design cannot be delivered and installed within the agreed upon time frame. The NetworkingCompany informs the customer of the problem. What two options can the NetworkingCompany team take to ensure the success of the project? (Choose two.)
plan to add additional staff and resources to shorten the installation time after the new equipment is delivered
• eliminate redundancy in the design to reduce the amount of equipment that is needed
renegotiate a new time frame with the customer to accommodate the delay
• delay the installation of the security devices and controllers until a later time
• redesign the network to use only readily available equipment and software

12. AAA Financial Services Company is performing implementation planning for a core switch upgrade. The company has 200 financial software programmers that work billable hours during the week. They have critical, scheduled money transfer transmissions that occur at hourly intervals every night. There are two, two-hour long IT maintenance windows scheduled for software upgrades, one on Saturday and one on Sunday. The bank advertises online banking as available 24 hours on business days and 21 hours on the weekends. However, a network upgrade that is necessary to replace some switches is expected to take four hours. Because of rack constraints, this time includes three hours to remove the old switches before the new switches can be installed and one hour to test the logical configuration. How should the implementation scheduling be handled
• Defer the software upgrades. Use the Saturday window to perform the hardware installation. Use the Sunday window to perform the logical testing.
• Coordinate and publish a separate four-hour downtime during Friday to perform the complete switch installation and testing process. Use the Saturday and Sunday windows to correct any outage problems after the Friday window.
• Coordinate and publish two, four-hour downtimes incorporating the published Saturday and Sunday windows. Defer any software upgrades until the new network is proven to be working
correctly with the old software. Use the Sunday window as a fallback scheduling period if there re problems necessitating backing out of the Saturday window.
Coordinate and publish an eight-hour downtime incorporating the Saturday window. This ill allow four hours for installation and logical testing, one hour for troubleshooting and decision, and three hours to roll back to the previous configuration if the new switching cannot pass the logical testing. Defer any software upgrades until the new network is proven to be working orrectly with the old software.
13. ncluded in a Bill of Materials (BOM) for a SOHO wired implementation is a Cisco 2811 router, Catalyst 2560 switch, four PCs, three laptops, and a networked printer. Wireless LAN capability will be implemented on this network. Which two equipment types must be added to the BOM to implement this request? (Choose two.)
• DNS server
• LAN switch
wireless NICs
• DHCP server
wireless access points

14. A customer has just taken delivery of a Cisco 2811 router and Catalyst 3560 switch. Included with the purchase is the SMARTnet Service. Which two resources are included with SMARTnet Service? (Choose two.)
• signature file updates
technical support from TAC
• maintenance releases for OS

• software application major releases
• software application maintenance and minor releases

15. A Cisco 1841 router has been purchased without an agreement for SMARTnet Service. What two items are guaranteed under the standard warranty? (Choose two.)
• access to TAC
replacement of defective physical media
• advanced replacement of hardware parts
• access to a renewable standard warranty contract
• under normal use, replacement of defective hardware

16. Upon completion of a proposal, a network design team must sell their ideas to two key stakeholders. Who are these two stakeholders? (Choose two.)
• licensing boards
• cabling contractors
internal management
• project implementation team

17. What are two important guidelines when creating a slide presentation for a meeting with a customer? (Choose two.)
• Use all capital letters on words and phrases when possible for added emphasis.
• Provide varied background graphics to enhance viewer interest.
Use contrasting colors for background and text to aid visibility.
• Change fonts frequently to denote differences in subject matter.
• Use bulleted text to lead the discussion.

18. In order to finalize a project proposal, an account manager of a
• networking company creates the terms and conditions section. What are two clauses that should be included in this section? (Choose two.)
• cost summary
• installation steps
change order procedures
• problem resolution process

• maintenance contract quotation

19. Which two items will a systems engineer include in an implementation plan? (Choose two.)
references to design documents
• the business goals of the customer
• diagrams of the existing traffic flows
the steps to install and test the network
• cost of each network device and component

20. Which statement describes a phased installation into an existing network?
• A phased installation generally takes less time and expense than a green-field installation.
• A phased installation is not suitable for large, multi-site network installations or upgrades.
A phased installation requires detailed planning in order to avoid disruption of user services.
• A phased installation involves building an entire replacement network and migrating users over to it.

CCNA Discovery 4 - Module 8 Exam Answers Version 4.0

1. Which mechanism is used to create a floating static route?
• administrative distance
• cost
• hop count
• passive interface

2. IPSec operates at which layer of the OSI model?
• application
• network
• datalink
• transport

3. Which is true regarding Frame Relay LMI?
• There are three LMI types standardized by ANSI, ITU-T, and Cisco.
• Routers at each end of a Frame Relay virtual circuit must always use the same LMI type.
• The LMI type must be manually configured.
• The only function of LMI is to verify the connection between the router and the Frame Relay switch.
4. Which statement identifies the IP address design for subinterfaces that are configured for a Frame Relay network?
• Multipoint configurations require the IP address of each subinterface on each router to be in its own subnet.
• Multipoint configurations require IP addresses for each subinterface on each router to be a part of the same subnet.
• Point-to-point configurations require IP addresses for each subinterface on each router to be a part of the same subnet.
• Point-to-point configurations do not require IP addresses on each subinterface on each router.
• Multipoint configurations do not require IP addresses on each subinterface on each router.

5. Which three algorithms can be used to encrypt user data in an IPSec VPN framework? (Choose three.)
• 3DES

• Diffie-Hellman

6. Which flag is set by a Frame Relay switch to inform the receiving station that congestion was experienced?
• DE

7. Refer to the exhibit. The complete configuration of a Frame Relay interface on the Chicago router is shown. How does the Chicago router know which DLCI is mapped to the IP address of the remote router?
• DE
• Inverse ARP

8. What statement correctly defines the purpose of the split horizon rule?
• marks the route unreachable in a routing update that is sent to other routers
• prevents routers from advertising a network through the interface from which the update came
• prevents routers from accepting higher cost routes to networks previously marked as inaccessible before the timer expires
• limits the number of hops a packet can traverse through the network before it should be discarded

9. Which PVC status suggests that the router recognizes the DLCI configured on its interface as being present on the Frame Relay switch, but the PVC associated with the DLCI is not capable of end-to-end communication?
• active
• deleted
• inactive
• idle

10. Refer to the exhibit. Which router command is used to associate a Layer 2 address with the corresponding Layer 3 address?
• Miller(config-if)#frame-relay map ip 110
• Miller(config-if)#frame-relay map ip 112
• Miller(config-if)#frame-relay map ip 110
• Miller(config-if)#frame-relay map ip 112

11. A network administrator issued the command show frame-relay pvc. The response from the router shows the status of a PVC as deleted. What is the reason for this status?
• The DLCI is using the wrong LMI type.
• The DLCI is usable but has little activity.
• The DLCI is programmed in the switch but the circuit is not usable.
• The DLCI configured on the CPE device does not match the DLCI.

12. What is one benefit of using a network simulation software package?
• The network design can be tested before it is actually implemented.
• Simulation software packages are quickly updated to support new network technologies and devices.
• Simulated devices have the same features as actual devices, allowing for detection of all potential problems.
• Software packages can simulate all possible network traffic conditions, giving an accurate prediction of network performance.

13. What are two components a network designer considers when planning a VPN? (Choose two.)
• encryption algorithm for privacy and security
• encapsulation protocol to use when creating the VPN tunnel

• switching technology to optimize VPN WAN throughput
• tunneling technology for guarding against data corruption
• routing protocol on the gateway for optimum performance

14. When identifying VPN requirements for endpoint users, what care must be taken to protect the network when remote users log in from unsecured public locations?
• Ensure that the user has VPN client software that allows access to all internal resources.
• Ensure that the VPN user traffic does not slow down internally sourced traffic on the network.
• Ensure that there are no obstacles to hamper the users from accessing all internal resources.
• Ensure that remote users can only access network resources that are appropriate to their job function.
15. Which two components are key elements when implementing a VPN? (Choose two.)
• concentration
• encryption
• prioritization
• compression
• encapsulation

16. What tool can help ease the configuration of VPN servers on routers?
• Cisco SDM
• PIX Firewall
• Cisco VPN Concentrator
• Cisco Adaptive Security Appliances

17. What is used to identify the path to the next frame-relay switch in a Frame Relay network?

18. Which two statements are true regarding VPN security? (Choose two.)
• Users may only establish a VPN connection from secure locations and never from public areas.
• Users that connect to a network through a VPN do not have to log in to resources on the network.
• Users that connect to a network through a VPN are are considered trusted users on the network.
• Users may establish a VPN connection from unsecure locations such as airports and hotel lobbies.

• Users that connect to a network through a VPN should have access to all the resources on the network.

19. Refer to the exhibit. What is placed in the address field of a frame that will travel from the Orlando office to the DC office?
• MAC address of the Orlando router
• MAC address of the DC router
• DLCI 100
• DLCI 200

20. Two directly connected routers are able to ping each other through the Serial 0/0/0 interfaces. A network administrator changes the encapsulation on one router to PPP, and the other is left at the default value. What statement would appear in the output of the show interfaces command issued on one of the routers?
• Serial 0/0/0 is up, line protocol is up
• Serial 0/0/0 is down, line protocol is down
• Serial 0/0/0 is up, line protocol is down
• Serial 0/0/0 is down, line protocol is up
• Serial 0/0/0 is administratively down, line protocol is down

21. Refer to the exhibit. What statement is true about the configuration shown for R2?
• R2 is configured as the Frame Relay switch.
• R2 is configured as the main site in a multipoint Frame Relay WAN prototype.
• R2 is configured as the main site in a point-to-point Frame Relay WAN prototype.
• R2 is configured as a remote site in a multipoint Frame Relay WAN prototype.
• R2 is configured as a remote site in a point-to-point Frame Relay WAN prototype.

22. A company uses serial interfaces on its border router to connect to branch offices through WAN connections. The security policy dictates that the encapsulation should use PPP with authentication protocol CHAP. Which statement is true about the configuration requirement of CHAP?
• Both the username and password are case sensitive.
• Neither the username nor the password is case sensitive.
• The username is case sensitive but the password is not case sensitive.
• The password is case sensitive but the username is not case sensitive.

23. Which two statements about split tunnels are true? (Choose two.)
• Local LAN printing will use the VPN tunnel.
• The traffic load on the VPN server is increased.
• Traffic to the corporate network will be encrypted.
• There is a reduced security risk to the corporate network.
• All traffic travels across the VPN tunnel from client to server.
• Traffic to public web sites and general Internet navigation is not encrypted.

24. An IP address has been assigned to the S0/0/0 interface of a new Cisco router. The administrator wishes to quickly test basic connectivity with the serial interface of an adjoining Cisco router via the use of the default WAN protocol. Which WAN protocol will be used for this test?
• Frame Relay

25. Which two statements about split tunnels are true? (Choose two.)
• Local LAN printing will use the VPN tunnel.
• The traffic load on the VPN server is increased.
• Traffic to the corporate network will be encrypted.
• There is a reduced security risk to the corporate network.
• All traffic travels across the VPN tunnel from client to server.
• Traffic to public web sites and general Internet navigation is not encrypted.

CCNA Discovery 4 - Module 7 Exam Answers Version 4.0

1. A network engineer has decided to pilot test a portion of a new network design rather than rely on a prototype for proof-of-concept. What are two advantages of pilot testing a design concept?(Choose two.)
• The test network experiences real-world network traffic.
• Users within the enterprise are not affected by the test.
• Network response can be tested in unplanned and unpredictable situations.
• Unlikely failure conditions can be conveniently tested.
• Network response can be tested in a highly controlled simulated environment.

2. While preparing a network test plan document, a network designer records all initial and modified device configurations. Which section of the document typically contains this information?
• Appendix
• Test Procedures
• Test Description
• Actual Results and Conclusions
• Anticipated Results and Success Criteria

3. Refer to the exhibit. A network designer creates a test plan that includes the specification shown. In which section of the test plan would this specification be found?
• Test Description
• Test Procedures
• Design and Topology Diagram
• Actual Results and Conclusions
• Anticipated Results and Success Criteria

4. What OSI model Layer 2 security measure can a network engineer implement when prototyping network security?
• a firewall at the network edge
• port security at the access design layer
• port security at the distribution design layer
• IP access control lists at the access design layer

5. How do designers decide which network functions need to be included in the prototype test?
• They select the functions that align with the business goals.
• They select the functions that occur at the network core.
• They select the functions that do not exist in the existing network.
• They select the functions from a list of generic network operations.

6. Refer to the exhibit. During prototype testing of the Cisco network shown, connectivity must be verified. Assuming all connections are working and CDP is enabled on all devices and interfaces, on which device was the command issued?
• R1
• S1
• R3
• S2
• R5
• S3

7. Refer to the exhibit. During prototyping, Layer 2 functionality is being tested. Based on the output shown, which two pieces of information can be determined? (Choose two.)
• Switch1 is the root bridge.
• Interface Fa0/2 on Switch1 has no role in the operation of spanning tree.
• Interface Fa0/2 on Switch1 is the alternate port used to reach the root bridge.
• Based on the entries in the "Role" column, it can be concluded that RSTP has been implemented.

• Interface Fa0/1 on Switch1 is the forwarding port selected for the entire spanning-tree topology.

8. What Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) state is given to the forwarding port elected for every switched Ethernet LAN segment?
• root
• backup
• alternate
• designated

9. Refer to the exhibit. During prototype testing, verification of VLAN connectivity is being performed. Based on the information shown, what command produced the output?
• show spanning-tree
• show interfaces trunk
• show cdp neighbors
• show interfaces
• show ip interface brief

10. Switch port Fa0/24 was previously configured as a trunk, but now it is to be used to connect a host to the network. How should the network administrator reconfigure switch port Fa0/24?
• Use the switchport mode access command from interface configuration mode.
• Enter the switchport nonegotiate command from interface configuration mode.
• Administratively shut down and re-enable the interface to return it to the default.
• Enter the no switchport mode trunk command in interface configuration mode.
• Use the switchport access vlan vlan number command from interface configuration mode
• to remove the port from the trunk and add it to a specific VLAN.

11. Refer to the exhibit. The redundant paths are of equal bandwidth and EIGRP is the routing protocol in use. Which statement describes the data flow from Server to PC2?
• EIGRP load balances across the R3 to R1 and R3 to R2 links.
• EIGRP load balances across the R1 to Switch3 and R2 to Switch3 paths.
• EIGRP load balances across the Switch1 to Switch3 and Switch1 to Switch2 paths.
• EIGRP does not load balance in this topology.

12. A network designer needs to determine if a proposed IP addressing scheme allows efficient route summarization and provides the appropriate amount of scalability to a design. What is useful for validating a proposed hierarchical IP addressing scheme?
• a pilot network
• a route summary
• a network simulator
• a physical topology ma

13. In the router command encapsulation dot1q 10, what does the number 10 represent?
• the metric used for a particular route
• the number of the VLAN associated with the encapsulated subinterface
• the priority number given to the device for the election process
• the number that must match the Fast Ethernet subinterface number
• the number used to program the router for unequal cost path load balancing

14. Refer to the exhibit. The users on the network are not allowed Internet access. The network design calls for an extended ACL to be developed and tested. Where should the ACL be placed for the least effect on other network traffic?
• inbound on Fa0/0 of R3
• outbound on Fa0/0 of R3
• inbound on Fa0/1 of R3
• outbound on Fa0/1 of R3
• inbound on Fa0/1 of R2
• outbound on S0/0 of R2

15. Refer to the exhibit. What two measures can be taken to address the areas of weakness circled in the network design? (Choose two.)
• Provide redundant connections to all end users.
• Add another core switch to increase redundancy.
• Add a switch in the server block connecting the server farm to each core switch.
• Add an additional switch to the DMZ and direct links from the new switch to the core switches.
• Provide a redundant firewall router connecting to a second ISP, the core switches, and the DMZ.

16. Why is it important to record baseline measurements of a prototype network?
• Test results show security weaknesses after the baseline tests are run.
• The baseline is the point at which the network is operating at its fullest potential.
• Baseline measurements define a point at which network traffic has exceeded the designed capabilities of the network.
• Test results are compared to the baseline to see how the test conditions increase processor use or decrease available bandwidth.

17. Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator has been given the task of creating a design for a temporary classroom building that is to be set up outside an overcrowded school. In testing the prototype, it is found that the student PC cannot ping the teacher PC. All the switch interfaces are active and connected properly, as is interface Fa0/0 of the router. Given that only the commands shown have bee added to the router configuration, what is the source of the problem?
• The IP settings on the student PC are incorrect.
• The default gateway on the teacher PC is misconfigured.
• The router Fa0/0 interface has not been configured as a VLAN trunk.
• The Fa0/0 physical interface has not been configured with an IP address and subnet mask.
• The administrator forgot to configure a routing protocol to allow the ping packets to reach the teacher PC subnet.

18. Refer to the exhibit. Why are interfaces Fa0/11, Fa0/23, and Fa0/24 not shown in this switch output?
• Interfaces Fa0/11, Fa0/23, and Fa0/24 are trunks.
• Interfaces Fa0/11, Fa0/23, and Fa0/24 are shutdown.
• Interfaces Fa0/11, Fa0/23, and Fa0/24 are blocking.
• Interfaces Fa0/11, Fa0/23, and Fa0/24 failed diagnostics

19. Refer to the exhibit. A network technician is performing an initial installation of a new switch in the east wing. The technician removes the switch from the box, makes the connections to the network, and adds the configuration shown. The technician notifies the network administrator that the switch has been installed. When the network administrator at the home office attempts to telnet to the switch from host, the connection fails. What action should the network technician take?
• Add an enable password to the switch.
• Add a default gateway to the switch configuration.
• Configure the switch with an IP access list to permit the host connection.
• Enable the physical interfaces of the switch with the no shutdown command.

20. Refer to the exhibit. After all the interfaces have stabilized, what is the spanning-tree state of all the enabled interfaces of SW11?
• discarding
• forwarding
• learning
• listening

CCNA Discovery 4 - Module 6 Exam Answers Version 4.0

1. A network engineer researched whether there are mechanisms available to help with the transition from an IPv4 addressing structure to IPv6. What three options did the engineer find?(Choose three.)
• A protocol translation mechanism allows communication between the IPv4 and IPv6 networks.
• A packet analyzer determines the addressing structure and converts it to the appropriate IPv4 or IPv6 scheme.
• New Core devices that support IPV6 must be purchased.
• A protocol converter changes IPv4 packets into IPv6 packets and vice versa.
• A dual-stack network design allows both IPv4 and IPv6 addressing to be used on all network devices.
• Tunneling allows IPv4 packets to be encapsulated so that they can traverse IPv6 networks and vice versa.

2. When should the command no auto-summary be used?
• with RIP version 1, to enable classless routing
• with RIP version 2, to enable classless routing
• with RIP version 1, when discontigous networks exist
• with RIP version 2, when discontigous networks exist

3. Refer to the exhibit. What must an administrator do on R3 to ensure that update packets are sent with subnet mask information?
• Add the commands:
R3(config-router)# auto-summary
R3(config-router)# no version 2
• Add the commands:
R3(config-router)# version 2
R3(config-router)# no auto-summary

• Change the network statement on R3:
R3(config)# network
• Add the command:
R3(config)# ip route s0/0

4. What best describes a discontiguous network?
• combines several classfull networking address
• contains more than one route to a destination
• implements more than one routing protocol
• separated from the rest of the hierarchical group by another network

5. Refer to the exhibit. A company has decided to add a new workgroup. If the subnetting scheme for the network uses contiguous blocks of addresses, what subnet is assigned to WGROUP3?

6. A network administrator is using the network for the company. The administrator must create a masking scheme to support 750 users at the main office and 620 users at the remote office. What mask should be assigned to the network to preserve the most addresses?
• /19
• /20
• /23
• /21

7. What is another format for the IPv6 address 1080:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:1267:01A2?
• 1080::1267:01A2
• 1080:0:0:0:0:1267:01A2
• 1080::0:1267:01A2
• 1080:::::1267.01A2

8. How many bits make up an IPv6 address?
• 32
• 48
• 64
• 128

9. After activating IPv6 traffic forwarding, configuring IPv6 addresses, and globally configure RIPng, what is the remaining step to activate RIPng?
• Enter the ipv6 router rip name command and then use network statements to activate RIPng on the interfaces.
• Enter the ipv6 router rip name command and then specify which interfaces run RIPng, which are passive, and which only receive.
• Enter the interface mode for each IPv6 interface and enable RIPng with the ipv6 rip name enable command.
• Enter the interface mode for each IPv6 interface and enable the multicast group FF02::9, and then activate RIPng globally using the ipv6 router rip name command.
• Enter the router rip command, and then activate RIPng using the version command.
• RIPng then automatically runs on all IPv6 interfaces.

10. Refer to the exhibit. The IT management has determined that the new subnet for WGROUP3 needs to be broken down into four more subnets. What would the subnet mask be for the four newly created subnets within WGROUP3?

11. Refer to the exhibit. What is the first usable IP address that can be assigned to the WGROUP3 switch?
• •

12. Refer to the exhibit. Which set of router commands is required to turn on unequal-cost load sharing so that RTRA selects the path A-B-E and the lowest cost path A-C-E to the Internet?
• RTRA(config)# router eigrp 1
RTRA(config-router)# variance 2

• RTRA(config)# router eigrp 1
RTRA(config-router)# variance 1
• RTRA(config)# router eigrp 1
RTRA(config-router)# maximum-paths 2
• RTRA(config)# router eigrp 1
RTRA(config-router)# maximum-paths 1

13. Refer to the exhibit. Assuming that the default EIGRP configuration is running on both routers, which statement is true about Router A reaching the network?
• The no auto-summary command needs to be issued to disable automatic summarization.
• The network command needs to be issued to ensure that Router A recognizes the network.
• EIGRP supports VLSM and automatically recognizes the network.
• EIGRP does not support VLSM; therefore it cannot be used with discontiguous networks.

14. Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator wants router RTA to send only the summarized route of to RTC. Which configuration accomplishes this?
• RTA(config)# interface s0/0
RTA(config-if)# ip summary-address eigrp 101
RTA(config-if)# exit
RTA(config)# router eigrp 101
RTA(config-router)# no auto-summary
• RTA(config)# interface s0/1
RTA(config-if)# ip summary-address eigrp 101
RTA(config-if)# exit
RTA(config)# router eigrp 101
RTA(config-router)# no auto-summary

• RTA(config)# interface s0/0
RTA(config-if)# ip summary-address eigrp 101
• RTA(config)# interface s0/1
RTA(config-if)# ip summary-address eigrp 101

15. What is a good design practice when developing a hierarchical addressing scheme?
• Address the nodes in the Access Layer and work toward the Core Layer.
• Assign addresses to the Core devices before planning the addressing scheme for the server farm.
• Determine where statically configured addressing will be implemented.
• Determine what percentage of devices are wired and what percentage of devices are wireless.

16. A network administrator is asked to design a new addressing scheme for a corporate network. Presently, there are 850 users at the head office, 220 users at sales, 425 at manufacturing, and 50 at the research site. Which statement defines the correct VLSM addressing map with minimal waste using the network?
• head office manufacturing sales research
• head office manufacturing sales research
• head office manufacturing sales research

• head office manufacturing sales research

16. How would the routes for networks,, and be summarized?

17. What two advantages does CIDR provide to a network? (Choose two.)
• dynamic address assignment
• automatic route redistribution
• reduced routing update traffic
• easier management of summarization

• automatic summarization at classfull boundaries

18. Which statement describes MD5 authentication for neighbor authentication?
• All passwords are sent in clear text when neighbors first learn about each other.
• Only the initiating router sends its password using encrypted text when it first discovers a new router.
• All routers send their password using encrypted text only when they first learn of each other.
• All routers send their password using encrypted text each time they exchange update packets.

19. Refer to the exhibit. What are the broadcast addresses for each subnet?
• Admin -
QA -
Development -
Sales -
• Admin -
QA -
Development -
Sales -
• Admin -
QA -
Development -
Sales -
• Admin -
QA -
Development -
Sales -

20. Refer to the exhibit. The IT management is adding three VLANs to the wgroup3 switch. The current subnet will be broken down to support 14 hosts for each of the new VLANs. What will the new subnet mask be for these VLANs?

21. An administrator is configuring IPv6 on a router. The steps that have already been completed are:
1. Activate IPv6 traffic forwarding.
2. Configure IPv6 addresses.
3. Globally configure RIPng.
What is the remaining step to complete the activation of RIPng?
• Enter the ipv6 router rip name command and then use network statements to activate RIPng on the interfaces.
• Enter the ipv6 router rip name command and then specify which interfaces run RIPng, which are passive, and which only receive.
• Enter the interface mode for each IPv6 interface and enable RIPng with the ipv6 rip name enable command.
• Enter the interface mode for each IPv6 interface and enable the multicast group FF02::9, and then activate RIPng globally using the ipv6 router rip name command.
• Enter the router rip command, and then activate RIPng using the version command. RIPng then automatically runs on all IPv6 interfaces.

22. Which range includes all available networks in the network?
• -
• -
• -
• -

23. Which two are best practices for creating a new IP addressing scheme for a network? (Choose two.)
• Plan and allow for significant growth.
• Assign addresses to the access layer before any other layer.
• Plan the entire addressing scheme before assigning any addresses.
• Begin with the access layer network summary addresses and work to the edge.
• Plan the addressing scheme to meet the current minimum requirement needs.
• Implement statically assigned addresses to all hosts in the distribution layer first.

24. Refer to the exhibit. Which subnet will provide sufficient addresses for the Production network with minimal waste?

25. A network designer is implementing a new network for a company. The designer is using all new Cisco equipment and has decided to select a hierarchical routing protocol for the network. The designer wishes to minimize traffic from routing updates but also needs fast routing convergence in the event of a topology change. Also, the existing IP addressing scheme requires that the selected protocol support VLSM. Which routing protocol should be chosen?
• RIP v1
• RIP v2

CCNA Discovery 4 - Module 5 Exam Answers Version 4.0

1. Which rule should be followed when implementing the security requirements of a network design?
• Always use a common security plan for all business needs.
• As standard practice, lower access restrictions for users if cost is too high.
• Avoid reducing security in order to add additional network capabilities.
• When possible, implement an IDS to protect users from spam.

2. What limitations of the 2960 switch prevent it from providing the services needed in the Distribution layer?
• It is limited to copper connections.
• It does not support QoS.
• It does not support voice VLAN capability.
• It does not support route summarization.

3. When considering converged network designs, it is important to identify appropriate service demands. What is a concern when preparing a network design to fit this environment?
• business data compensation for sensitivity to noise
• location and placement of firewalls
• voice-level quality of service
• security policy requirements

4. Which three design requirements are implemented at the access layer? (Choose three.)
• PoE

• high-density routing
• packet filtering
• rapidly converging routing protocols
• QoS traffic classification and marking

5. Refer to the exhibit. Which statement is true regarding how the ISP router filters traffic?
• Traffic from the address to any destination on the Internet is denied.
• Traffic from any source address entering the ISP router interface s0/0/0 is permitted.
• Only traffic with a source address of is allowed into the ISP router interface s0/0/0.
• All traffic from the network can access the Internet.
• Traffic from any source address can access the network.

6. Which two factors should be considered when designing a wireless LAN that provides seamless roaming capabilities? (Choose two.)
• use of a wireless controller to manage IP addressing
• type of routing protocols
• location of existing wired clients
• coverage
• position of MDF

7. What are three features of a Catalyst 2960 switch? (Choose three.)
• network layer functionality
• redundant power availability
• route summarization
• switch clustering

• inter-VLAN routing

8. A company lists this equipment in their network design:
Two Catalyst 4503 Layer 3 switches
One 5500 security appliance firewall
Two Catalyst 6509 switches
Two lightweight access points
Two Catalyst 2960 switches
Which two types of devices would be appropriate to use at the access layer to provide end-user connectivity? (Choose two.)
• Catalyst 4503 switches
• Cisco 1841 router
• Catalyst 6509 switches
• lightweight access points
• Catalyst 2960 switches

9. Which two statements are true regarding the following extended ACL? (Choose two.)
• access-list 101 deny tcp any eq 20
access-list 101 deny tcp any eq 21
access-list 101 permit ip any any

• FTP traffic originating from network is denied.
• All traffic is implicitly denied.
• FTP traffic destined for the network is denied.
• Telnet traffic originating on network is denied.
• Web traffic originating from is permitted.

10. Which statement applies to a large network with thousands of nodes?
• Each wireless phone is normally in a separate VLAN for security reasons.
• Multiple firewalls exist throughout the access layer for maximum security protection.
• Firewalls cannot be implemented in the multilayer switches and routers.
• Intrusion detection is more likely to be performed by a separate device rather than integrated into a switch or router

11. on campus. The college currently has only wired network device access. Which two devices must be incorporated into the network design to best accommodate roaming for wireless IP phones?(Choose two.)
• voice VLAN capable switch
• autonomous AP
• PoE switch
• Cisco wireless LAN controller
• 2960 switch with 48 100-Mb ports
• lightweight access points

12. What type of WAN service is Frame Relay?
• dedicated
• cell switched
• packet switched
• circuit switched

13. Refer to the exhibit. What is an advantage of having two links connected between the two switches shown?
• provides redundancy in case one of the switches fails
• provides connectivity to Switch1 when the link to the server fails
• provides connectivity when one of the connections between the switches fails
• provides power to the other switch when the other switch has lost AC power

14. What is the function of the access layer in the Cisco three-layer hierarchical internetworking model?
• provides QoS classification and marking
• implements a fast-converging routing protocol
• uses routed interconnections between devices
• aggregates traffic and performs route summarization

15. When applying network security, what security measure should be implemented first?
• securing the network devices
• implementing the firewalls or filters at the enterprise edge
• applying security to resources accessed by internal users
• applying ACLs to the interfaces of the routers in the internal network

16. What characteristic of a network supports high availability?
• VPNs
• high-bandwidth paths to servers
• redundancy
• wireless management

17. What is integrated into a Cisco IP phone to reduce the number of ports needed in the wiring closet?
• hub
• router
• switch
• firewall appliance

18. Which network design process identifies where to place access points?
• site survey
• risk assessment
• scalability design
• network protocol analysis

19. Using expandable, modular network devices is a key element of what network design criteria?
• availability
• performance
• scalability
• security

20. What is a primary function of a wireless LAN controller?
• tuning each AP channel for optimal coverage
• providing PoE to the wireless clients
• distributing VLAN information to the wireless clients
• serving as the point of connection between wireless clients and the wired LAN

21. What characteristic in a routing protocol allows it to support the network design criteria for availability?
• CIDR support
• fast convergence
• timed updates
• VLSM suppor

22. A network designer is evaluating the network security implementation for an organization. The designer recommends adding network security devices in front of the server farm, although network security devices have been deployed in the Enterprise Edge for two years. What type of attack can be effectively prevented with this recommendation?
• virus attack
• internal attack • Internet attack
• phishing attack

23. Refer to the exhibit. The branch office needs constant access to the servers in the enterprise headquarters. Therefore, a backup Frame Relay link is added. A network
• administrator is configuring the routers in the branch office to make sure that when the backup Frame Relay link is used, only the traffic to access the enterprise headquarters is allowed. Which statement is true about the routing configuration on branch office edge routers?
• The command ip route serial 0/0 50 should be configured on BE2.
• The command ip route serial 0/0 50 should be configured on BE1.
• The command ip route serial 0/0 50 should be configured on BE2.
• The command ip route serial 0/0 50 should be configured on BE1.

24. An automobile sales company is establishing a new, small sales showroom in a downtown area. To update the inventory database, the new sales office will need a WAN connection to the headquarters that is located in the suburban area. The WAN connection should be around a 4 Mb/s connection. Which WAN service will provide the most economical approach to meet the requirement?
• T1 line
• Frame Relay

25. A network designer is selecting a WAN technology for connections between the headquarters of an organization and its branch offices. In this context, what is one advantage of choosing Frame Relay over a T1 line?
• more secure
• flexible bandwidth
• shared media across the link
• efficiency with fixed length packet size

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